When The World Floats Away

It is the most mortifying of feelings when the uglier parts of your personality come to the fore. It seems these aspects of myself have become more apparent since becoming a mother. The best and worst parts of myself have been magnified to greater amplitudes than I have previously known.

Those darker impulses it seems at times have surreptitiously slipped under the radar of my awareness, or likely ignorance, and been upon me with such ferocity I’ve succumbed to acting them out in the most pitiful of ways.

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Me too? Was It Really Something?

As the protective veil that shrouded Harvey Weinstein’s misdeeds fell before his and the world’s eyes, and women from pole to pole began to post their #metoo experiences I was roused to post #metoo on my Facebook wall.

A collective of female voices surged into a crescendo as women put their experiences of sexual harassment and assault into words: unveiling events that had often remained part of their inner world alone.

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Giving Up

I don’t know about you, but I can be quite the slow learner. Continually pushing shit up a hill until I realize what I’m doing isn’t working out very well.

Einstein posited that insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That said, it’d be fair to question my sanity at times.

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